In the 1997 runaway Bollywood hit "Dil To Pagal Hai", King Khan promises his audience to come back with "Maya" the next time he is performing. He eventually finds his Maya in the form of Madhuri Dixit. The Republic of India on the other hand found its "Maya" not in some glam doll but in a typical behenji from the political backyard of India U.P.
If 'MTV' starts a hunt for the quintessential example of a corrupt, ruthless, powerhungry and oppurtunistic politician in post independence India, Mayawati will win hands down. Unlike her political contemporaries, Mayawati proudly wears all the above attributes on her sleeve and still has the courage to announce the world " Main agla Prime Minister banungi". With an ambition which even belittles MJ's pursuit of beauty, Mayawati is the great Indian (i)con. Her belief in herself will go down as stuff of legends. Who else would have thought they could get away by extorting money from people publicly and tagging them birthday gifts, embezzle crores of money meant for a world heritage site and expect nobody to notice and erect gaint statues of herself and her guru all over her capital using public money and compare them to India Gate & Raj Ghat!
In her defence she claims she is a dalit who has been exploited all this time and now it is pay back time. Besides, according to her, by being so open about her ambitions she is atleast being honest.So celebrating Mayawati's honesty and the "supposed" dawn of her age, Satanputr presents "Maya ya Mahamayi"
good to know that there is somebody else who shares my opinion about her..btw what do u think motivates them..its not family and how much money can one want to assimilate by such atrocious activities-she really beats me
my first comment arei write something entertaining ra :P bcoz ppl like me get bored reading des articles :)
at anoop......for mayawati this is entertainin
nice article...but i still wouldnt want to praise mayawati...'dalit' ki beti....
'dalit' is a social classification given to the economically backward..and not a class that you are born into..but ppl have misinterpreted it and she still remains a 'dalit' (which she is no more)
how leela? how? how do you do it?
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