Saturday, July 4, 2009

The devil wears Prada!

It was one of those days where I woke up early hoping to do "something useful" and realized I was trying to do something magnificently futile as no matter what I did the day seemed to last just 4 hrs. So there I was sitting with my friend in Coffee Day at 6 in the evening trying to figure out why the last thing I remember doing something or rather anything in the day was brushing at 8 in the morning while my friend was yapping something to which I wasn't even listening.
My eyes were doing their usual wandering searching for some pretty face around to while my tongue was preoccupied with trying to give my teeth a rough shade of white than the dark chocolate they were thanks to the all the chocolate I had sitting there. I was stretching out my hand to take some water when I suddenly notice this babe walk in. She was probably 5'8" give or take an inch, had a very tantalizing skin tone which flirted with the line between "fair" and "wheatish", open hair which refused to stop killing anyone who looked at it, was wearing a sharp one piece and above all, a certain air around which said "Dude! Back off" She was what I would say DDG material. For the uninformed, DDG is Drop Dead Gorgeous. Anyways, the point is I wasn't the only git sitting there who noticed. Everybody was thinking how this precious piece fell down from the heavens without as much a scratch!
I looked at my friend to thank him for pulling me to Coffee Day when I noticed he seemed least bothered with what just struck that place! Surprised, I asked him if had missed the impossible and he just smiled and said "Girls like that are great to look at. But, beyond that I dunno if I would like a girl like that". I was shocked! Who was asking him to marry her and like she would! But he continued "I sorta like the neatly dressed FTPs not the babes like this who don't really dress to my taste" Again the words caught me off gaurd. What was he talking! I asked why it mattered how the girl dressed the and what the heck is FTP! He said it was college lingo and stands for "Family Type Papa"! I was flabbergasted.
How can one tell a women by her dressing! For heaven's sake, it is only about how comfortable a person is with his/her dressing and if they can carry it with confidence. What does dressing even remotely have to do with a girl's nature! He argued that women who dress well mean they are usually confident about themsleves and tend to very independent and he wasn't too sure if he would be very comfortable with her. I knew I had to put some sense into his head. So I started off. I hope it makes some sense to you too if you happen to read this!
"See just because somebody is wearing something which many may term as "forward" or "fast" doesn't make her one. And it also doesn't mean a .... "well dressed girl" (So to say) is a "homely" girl. It is all about comfort and convenience. Somebody who dresses well today might not really have the time nor the taste to do so later. And some chick who dresses "well" now might not really be the Sati Savitri type later or rather even now. For all you know, the mummy's girl next door might have many skeleltons in the closet while the chic who goes to the movie with her boyfriend might turn to be a lot more responsible than you would have ever imagined. And mind most of the domestic headaches which happen are thanks to all those FTPs who were brought up in a closed highly controlled environment and who no idea how to handle the freedom they get once they grow up. It is like "new royalty" who don't know what to do with all the new found wealth and find it overwhelming to manage it. A free open upbringing is the only thing which ensures a person to grow healthy. So what if the girl is a Billabong chick in her teens. I mean is wrong in wearing something which looks good on you. Besides, if the need really does arise I do think a mature woman will understand irrespective of the way she dressed when she was 20. For heaven's sake give the girls a break and let them have what they wish. It is a free country dude. And mind you, the guy who is shitting you all this right now is 20 yrs old and still roams around everywhere in NEWPORT & UB shorts and Ts. Get a life man."
I was just done telling him when I realized that half the place was empty and the one who was the reason I started this "Hitabhodhan" had left. Disappointed, I cast him a dirty look for pulling me into this and left the place after I cleared the cheque. And that is how I got something to write today.


Snigdha said...

Gr8 one!! I hope d guys r readin n gettin sumthin into their heads!!

Ami aggu. said...

it makes a perfect comprehensive side for one side of the argument...but u missed the other side totally [:P]

Unknown said...

i completely agree but i dbt if anybody (literally anybody) ill practice it :)

Satanputr said...

agreed.......this was merely a thought