Saturday, August 1, 2009

The voice itself!

Greetings lesser mortals! I am Satanputr, son of Satan. I am sure you know my dad very well. He is rather infamous for his notoriety in your mortal world. I on the other hand, do not seem to have been bequeathed with his satanic deportment. In fact, I think I have been gifted with a rather sardonic humor and playful wit which gives me the luxury to look at very ordinary things in your world and mine in a not-so-ordinary way.

Before I write any further, there are a few things which I think are necessary to clear. There is a reason why I write in this space all the way from the underworld. It is rather disturbing for me being down here and seeing you mortals making your lovely world no better than the underworld you so dearly fear. From time eternal, since your race started living an intelligent life, it has done everything in its power to make a simple life incredibly complicated and miserable as possible, all in the name of “progress”. What else explains the fact that you churn fuel guzzling SUVs in the name of epicurean comfort? And worse, that super luxury loaded car which weighs close to half a ton more often than not, carries a single 80 Kg man! Your race has had some of the brilliant mathematicians known. However, you fail to see the irrationality in cutting life giving trees for making space to accommodate more humans who actually need the very trees which are being cut. Your diplomats and leaders are highly learned men who hold talks on how to save your planet from choking itself. They speak heavy jargon about their countries commitment to doing their bit for the planet as long their economy is not compromised. I ask, “What is the use of a healthy economy when you have no planet?” Honestly, the priorities of your race are more messed up than Paris Hilton’s search for true love!

Greed runs in your blood now. The most brilliant of your minds are engaged not in administration but in spinning out financial wizardry to make money out of thin air. If the former happened, all those humanitarian issues which plague your world would have been something which belonged to an age when even I didn’t exist! Instead, what you have is a bunch of Rolex wearing brains in Hugo Suits making love to silicone simpletons in their high rise condos. For a cult like yours which lives by “Over achievement should be a way of life”, there is barely anything more which I can say or do.

However, there is something really amusing about you humans. In spite of all this longing for so-called success, tragedy greatly fascinates you. From literature to art to religion, the best of works usually depict a tragic scene or happening. The Greeks were an exception though. They had a remarkable comic outlook to life for they believed comedy is something which is worthy only of the gods. They thought the gods were up there looking at your misgivings and laughing at it. Hence, for them, comedy was a way to feel like Zeus himself! So, taking a page out of the Greek way of life, I, Satanputr feel duty bound to make you mortals feel like the gods through my writings as am very sure a measly few of you are going to that side after you pass this life.

P.S: Since the portal between our worlds is usually packed with lawyers, businessmen and the like, I might not be able to write in first person. One of your kind, a bloke called Leela Krishna Annam will do my bidding. The git seemed more than willing to do the job. The only trouble is that he holds himself in high regard, too high for his own good. So, if there is anything on this space which isn’t to your taste, please do me the favor of going and whopping his ass. However, if something really amused you and was thought provoking, do post a comment for me.


kadhambari said...

Get ur ass up from the chair and do something about it instead of writing :)

rahulbmv said...

nice one...but still i favour an ass whopping for personal reasons.